Its been a while everyone. I'm experimenting with a new format focussed around Vlogging. There's some interesting things I think I can do with it. This one isn't a great match for a Newgrounds submission I think, but the future vlogs will have a lot more animated/hybrid content, so I'll be submitting those here. I'm curious to know what you all think. Like it? Hate it? Meh? Since animation isn't really sustainable on youtube anymore, I'm trying to figure out a way to get content out faster without sacficing too much artistic credibility. This seems to be a fun way for me to vent my frustrations with the platform and the internet in general.
EERIE!! But fits in style with your theming. I think you can do some interesting stuff with it, considering your skillset and It's an interesting solution to the animation triad of Quality, Frequency, and Duration. Good luck with it! I'll def check out future ones