It's been a long time coming, but we finally knuckled down this week to finish off the soundtrack release of Tarboy.
Some of the tracks have been extended, but what I'm excited about is the new remastered 'Two's a Party' which ended up at 3 minutes in length. Hania put a lot of work into it this, writing new material for it. She's also included some concept music for Tarboy II.
Download the Tarboy Soundtrack HERE
There's also another CD of bonus tracks, for those that are interested in hearing more concept music that Hania created for Tarboy I - and some different variations on the existing music.
The albums are free, but you're welcome to donate. It would be greatly appreciated :)
In other news, I'm reworking the Tarboy site from scratch as a Wordpress blog, hence why our latest updates and releases have come through Hania's blog. Once it's up and running, this should give me much more flexibility to update as I'd like to a lot more in the future.
btw i saw the vid of you guys making your little music video and the sillyness going on and on but didnt see you (guess your camera shy)
well cant wait for T2
Probably lucky I wasn't in it, I'm way too boring on camera :)