This is the first time I've ever uninstalled a new version of Flash. I really WANTED to love this program, there was so many new features that sounded cool but seem so poorly implemented.
I could get over the unfarmiliar interface, and even the clunky new features, but the fact that it couldn't even open my CS3 documents was the deciding moment to uninstall.
Is anyone else experiencing issues to this degree?
I can see where the bones tool and the 2.5d features could come in handy here and there, but it seems like whenever they give us a new feature, they leave out tiny little things that could make them incredibly useful. In Flash 8 it was the blending modes and Effects, but they could only be applied to movie clips. Why not graphics? Movie clips are such a pain to work with, and they don't export to video properly.
In Flash CS4, they gave us the ability to set up multiplanes, but no 3D camera. What the hell? The bones feature is so hard to properly control, I've yet to see anyone produce any work at anywhere close to the level that can be achieved in Solo or Anime Studio. Just a couple of extra controls here could really help us out.
My guess is that Adobe don't want Flash and After Effects to overlap too heavily or else customers might think that they don't need After Effects with a 3D camera already built into Flash. Hopefully with CS4 not selling so well Adobe will wake up and realise they need to put a little more polish on their new products in future.
Anyway, there's my rant.